Creating a campaign

You can kick off the campaign creation process using the Create a new campaign command.

The command will create a folder and a file representing your campaign. You can use the campaign file as a home page for your campaign-- the important data for Iron Vault is stored in the frontmatter ironvault property. Use caution when editing the frontmatter and especially that property.

Create a new campaign modal.png

First, choose the options you'd like for your new campaign:

  • Campaign name: the name of your campaign. This sets the file name of the campaign file (for easy linking) as well as the display name used by Iron Vault when referring to your campaign.
  • Folder: the folder that will house your campaign. By default, this will match the Campaign name but you may choose a different path if you wish.
    • As noted in Campaigns, you may not nest campaigns.
  • Playset: the Playset determines which rules are active and which content is available in your campaign. You may select a built-in playset for official content using the toggles displayed, or you may configure a custom playset.
  • Scaffold campaign: when this option is enabled (recommended), the following files and folders will be created in addition to the campaign root and campaign index:

Once you're ready, click Create to create your campaign and optionally the scaffold. The campaign index file will be opened, which makes your new campaign as the active campaign, allowing you to immediately use any commands that require an active campaign.